“I got a promotion! The things we worked through came into fruition, and I felt very prepared as I transitioned. Coaching helped me name where I was feeling blocked, you asked the questions that helped me dig deeper and deeper so that the clouds opened up and I could see things clearly - now I lean into the excitement of what I get to do rather than the stress of all I have to do. There were so many things I learned about myself and how to think about my work in powerful ways, that honestly, since then so many of the concerns I came with in coaching have dissipated, and I've been able to move forward in just such an empowered and motivated way." Anna, Associate Director, Social Impact, US

"It's that safe space where I can say something that might be completely bonkers and not only is it allowed in the conversation but suddenly we're playing with that thing and it becomes fuel for possibility.  Even just saying the word ‘business' makes me think of the colour grey -  whereas for the first time I can talk about business without it being separate from me -  everything can be met with curiosity and suddenly it doesn't have to look so boring anymore. It can still be playful and grow.  It's just so valuable to know that one doesn't have to change who we are to get to things that are unfamiliar.  I always close my laptop after a session feeling excited about something and telling myself “Ok, let’s go!”". Isobel, Founder, UK .

“As part of our vision to build a world class civil service, we set high standards and a rigorous process for selecting coaches to introduce our managers to the true value of coaching. Hannah exemplifies these standards and brings warmth, care and connection to her professionalism. I felt confident that Hannah would create a safe and supportive environment for our managers to reflect on, explore and develop their leadership toolkit - and would certainly recommend her as an Executive Coach." Michaela, Advisor, Management Support Unit, Cayman Islands Government.

“I wanted our leaders to benefit holistically from the coaching and for them to feel valued by investing in them in this way - and I really saw the difference.  From the get-go I could see increased confidence, taking the lead in new areas - really flying - as well as an openness and willingness to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, which had a real impact on the wider team. Coaching is really releasing the potential within an individual that they might not necessarily see themselves when absorbed in the day-to-day - and in that way, it benefits everyone. “ Sarah, Operations, Creative Advertising, UK.

“There were several breakthroughs but the biggest transformation I got from our work together was finally knowing what it is I want to do – understanding the difference I wanted to make and being able to communicate that.

If I had seen your name on a piece of paper, I might have continued scrolling, I might have looked for someone who looks like me when I was trying to find a coach. But having that recommendation from someone I love and trust – and I was seeing a massive shift in that person through the work they were doing with you - that made a big difference. The work we did really opened me up to my own capabilities. If you want a coach who is going to transform your life, there’s no one like Hannah.” Aretha, Manager, UK

"Working with Hannah was a huge game-changer. I was really surprised at how transformational the process was and how quickly I started seeing results. I remember being amazed at the realisations I came to in the first session and couldn't believe that I'd never seen the connections until that point! After a few sessions family and friends also started commenting on the shift that they had seen in me. I felt empowered, motivated and all together calmer. Hannah has a very warm and nurturing energy so I always felt completely at ease opening up and being honest, but equally she doesn't shy away from making observations or asking the questions that challenge the stories we may have been telling ourselves for years! I highly recommend her as a coach.”
Carina, Founder, UK.

"This was the first time I had ever considered any kind of coaching, but had come to a point in my life where I needed some clarity and guidance. Hannah made me feel incredibly at ease. Her positive attitude and thoughtful approach made talking freely feel natural from the very first session. Hannah helped re-ignite my self belief which allowed me to be more comfortable asking for what I deserve - and what my business deserves. I've also started to embrace my vulnerability, saying yes and seeking out opportunities to share an unfiltered version of myself.
Hannah, Founder, UK.

‘Having coaching with Hannah has been extremely beneficial for me. Going through some drastic changes in my career, I couldn’t see the wood for the trees, and didn’t know which steps to take to move onto the next stage. I now have a clear path to take and feel much more at ease and capable of realising my life goals. I highly recommend coaching with Hannah!’
Emma, Senior Integrated Project Manager, Advertising, UK

‘'Before working with Hannah I was feeling alone and confused about my new business going forward and felt I needed some support. I had never had a life coach before and Hannah was recommended to me by a friend, I didn't know what to expect however after our initial call I knew I was going to be in safe hands. Hannah has guided, encouraged, motivated and helped me to help myself - not only with my first aim of moving my business forward but also recognising other things that were preventing my progress. I felt an immediate connection with Hannah and during our work together I was able to:

  • streamline my business - getting rid of things that didn't make my heart sing

  • look at the bigger picture and the roads to get where I wanted to be

  • create and launch a new online course to help me create the life I want for myself

  • lead and manage my staff with kindness and compassion

  • address blocks in my personal and professional lives

I would highly recommend Hannah as a life coach and to anyone in two minds, you won’t regret it!’
Kate, Founder, UK

‘Hannah was a great coach to work with. She was always open to new topics, thoughts or questions I had and helped make sense of any issues or uncertainties I brought to each session. Her communication was great between sessions and offered support the whole way through when needed. Would absolutely recommend to anyone looking for a coach, and encourage those unsure on the process to give it a try as well.’
Luke, Head of Design, Advertising, UK

The experience I have had has been truly life changing.  Not only has my business jumped forward ten steps but so have I, as an individual. I feel I have an understanding of myself that is deeper than I knew possible. Hannah's ability to tune into the deepest layers of me has been so powerful in helping me to unleash the potential within - she has an incredible instinct and ability to make you feel at ease, whilst challenging and encouraging you at every opportunity. This journey was the best decision I have made in years.”
Alison, Founder, UK.

“I started this process because I was launching a new business but coaching has had a really positive effect on all aspects of my life. That was completely unexpected - it’s exhilarating, a revelation and possibly the most valuable thing I’ve invested in for a long time. Life all of a sudden feels there for the taking, just when I thought I’d taken all I could!”
Paul, Founder UK

"I was looking for guidance, stepping into a new role, but what pleasantly surprised me was that we worked from inside to the outside; working on the skills and everything that I have already - bringing ‘me’ out. I found myself a lot calmer after sessions, because we really dug deep and I understood the problem." DB, COO, Germany.

"I was in a bad place feeling very sorry for myself, I had lost the excitement in opportunities that were arising.  You have helped me get in touch with my true self. She was buried under a great deal of burden, but it’s amazing to get her back. It’s been very liberating to put myself first. I am so much happier and I can’t wait for the future. It will be bright." Ruth, Entrepreneur, UK.

“Hannah’s calm, friendly, open and trusting presence has enabled me to go to places within me that I didn’t know existed, or that I have been avoiding and has ultimately uncovered (and will continue to uncover) so much possibility for myself and my business. Hannah has allowed me a safe space to dig deep and feel heard, she opens up new routes of thought and I leave our sessions feeling positive, inspired, motivated and confident to start making changes. If you want to make a difference to any aspect of your life, I highly recommend coaching with Hannah”
Rose, Founder, UK

“The value of coaching is so deep - it is time to breathe and be curious about who we really are and what we really want from life.  It’s easy to just get swept away with doing, and I feel coaching is all about being.  A check-in on one’s authenticity.   A way of connecting with one’s soul to stay aligned or get realigned to one’s purpose. It’s so powerful! I have become better able and more willing to express myself about myself.  I have gained in self-confidence and am more willing and able to value myself for simply being me - in whatever way that turns out.  That is a pretty cool shift for a 45 year old!”
Ali, Founder, UK

“I felt very supported and safe in emotional conversations -  I was always taken by surprise how well Hannah can manage difficult conversations from a place of warmth and kindness, which is essential for the client to feel heard and understood. I never had a feeling that there is a topic that I would rather not talk about with Hannah and I think that is why we unpacked a lot of vulnerable things.”
Maria, Academic, Berlin

“Hannah brings a level of kindness, honesty and knowledge that really helps you build a connection with her instantly. She is capable of unlocking the depths in her clients - I highly recommend her.”
Karen, Executive, US

“Hannah came along just when I needed her and has changed everything for me, in all the best ways. She was calm, engaging and genuinely interested in my story. Once I opened up we did some amazing work together and I feel like she has opened my eyes to a future that I didn't believe I could have; one that celebrates self worth, integrity, intention, love and clarity. She also re-lit a dull ember that was burning inside and as the sessions went on, it grew brighter and more powerful for me. There was no one major 'moment', but lots of breakthroughs that culminated in me looking forwards, feeling positive, feeling like I could achieve what I wanted just by being me. It is true that all the answers are in there, you just need a skilled magician to tease them out - that's Hannah!” Georgina, Senior Executive, Brand and Culture, UK

“Thank you for your wonderful coaching and support throughout last year. You were honestly my safe space where I felt I could be honest and open - a big step in identifying my blocks. I’ve leaned into harder conversations, reflected on emotions rather than just moving through them and it’s helped me take some steps towards my better authentic self.” Layoma, Canadian Forces, Canada

"The biggest understanding that coaching unlocked for me is that I have the power to change my life. It surprised me how quickly I was implementing new things outside the sessions. And where I was feeling stuck and stagnant, I’ve found the confidence to take the lead - which has actually been really creative. I’m most proud of realising my value and stepping up. I feel refreshed, empowered and am enjoying taking on new challenges at work."
Lizee, Artist Manager and Music Supervisor, UK