It’s my belief that you don’t need a certain job title or years of experience to be a great, inspiring leader, whatever stage of your career you are at. I love to partner with those who don’t want to settle for ‘their lot’ in life - and are ready to actively create their next-level life and career, rather than watch it all pass by from the sidelines.

Previously, my 20-year career in International Film and Entertainment Sales and Advertising led me to the role that inspired my coaching career. As a London-based director at a US advertising agency, leading teams to deliver international theatrical film campaigns and growing an agency from the ground up to become a key market player, I became intimate with the ups, downs and possibilities of modern leadership. I noticed that the state of the bottom line could always be tracked back to the health of relationships, internally and externally – people are everything to a business - and I leverage this insight and experience in my mission to support leaders in coaxing high level performances from themselves and from their teams. Harnessing their unique strengths and talents, every executive can master the art of relationship building and take conscious, intentional action to make their goals and vision for success a reality.

I am certified by the International Coaching Federation and graduated the rigorous and highly regarded training program, Accomplishment Coaching. I continue to invest consistently in my own coaching and development - I know that I can only take others as far as I have been prepared to go, myself.

My international clients span the creative advertising, film, entertainment, fashion, human rights, wellness, human resources and retail worlds as well as not-for-profits and the public sector.

When I’m not coaching I am eating the world via my beloved cookbooks, on the beach with my pup, Daphne, and enjoying living by the seaside.


ICF Credentialed Coach