
Is coaching for me?

Coaching is:

  • A partnership, focused on your future -  in which I will stand for your authentic greatness and potential when you can’t see it or have forgotten what it looks like

  • Dynamic - you will convert insights into actions, leaving each session with practices to integrate into your life

  • Transformational - the aim is get beyond ‘fixes’ and surface-level, short-term changes to real, deep, lasting transformation

  • Focused - on making the most of your personal and professional potential through deep reflection and action aligned with your core values

  • Project-based - designing all areas of your life with intention and declaring clear, measurable outcomes and workable plans to achieve your goals

  • Empowering - highlighting and working with your natural gifts and super powers

  • Intimate and Fun - there will be laughter, tears, venting, reflection, dreaming, distinguishing, planning - and not forgetting…celebration!

Coaching is not:

  • A quick fix - you might see results quickly and we are also going deeper, to create lasting, sustainable results

  • A hierarchy - coaching is a partnership designed to draw out your wisdom, you are the authority here

  • Tips, advice or telling you what to do - but you will be supported to create structures that encourage results

  • Always easy or comfortable - we’ll be looking at a lifetime of habits and thought patterns, this can be uncomfortable and drive up fear but you will be in a safe place to explore those feelings if they arrive

  • A pep talk

  • All about your past - the past can be useful to reflect on - our focus will be on what you want to create and experience now and in the future

  • Therapy - although strong emotions are welcomed and healing often takes place