The scraping-by cycle.

Can you relate to the drain of just scraping by? When time, money, energy, resources always seem scarce? No matter what you try your experience journeys back to the Groundhog Day of ‘never having enough’?

If this resonates with you, please know that you are not alone.

Many brilliant, talented, successful people are unconsciously living inside a cycle of thoughts that keep producing the same old, unwanted reality.

The good news is that you don’t have to let that be you! The first step is to determine:


-       What’s your unique cycle? How does it typically go for you? What feelings and experiences does this loop produce? Is it lonely, worrying, stressful, exhausting, frustrating, claustrophobic?


-       What could be available beyond it? What would make the cycle worth interrupting for you? Perhaps more money, time, connection, freedom, fun, creativity, expansion, self-expression?


-       What might interrupt it? Once you can see how this runs for you, where could you consciously practice disrupting the pattern? What actions/practices put you on the path towards the experience you want? What sucks you back into its vortex?

 As Deepak Chopra beautifully puts it:

‘Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.’

 What future is waiting for you to break the cycle?


Uncreating loneliness as a business strategy.


Five things I learned while transforming my life.