How much coaching will I need?

Most of us tend to seek support only when we feel we need it – we go to the dentist when we have toothache, the chiropractor once we can barely move, and the marriage counselor once communication has broken down.

Once we’ve fixed the problem, we’ve got what we came for and it’s back to business as usual. And there is nothing wrong with that, in fact it can be precisely what is called for - and 100% enough.

But imagine what could be possible if you chose not to stop here?

I notice, in my practice, that there often comes a point during the initial coaching engagement, when my client has worked through the most immediate blocks, conflicts or opportunities. Their current projects are completed – or on the way to being – and nothing particular is screaming for attention. In fact, they are celebrating climbing to the top of a mountain, the view is breathtaking, their nervous system is not on red alert - life is finally good! They might show up to the session we have scheduled without a clear idea of what to work on.

 A few things can happen at this juncture – not knowing what to work on can be a magic moment when we get to ask fresh questions, explore the unknown and something unexpectedly joyful emerges.  Sometimes, I see my client instinctively pull back – they’ve gotten this far, isn’t that good enough?  If getting this far was a truly meaningful leap, it likely required a new mindset, actions and skills to get there. It may have felt tough at times, impossible even – and it was constant work. The thought of creating something more from here? Exhausting. 

I saw a quote recently that resonated; “the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next”. Through the lens of ‘I only have enough puff for one summit’, this prospect is, understandably, going to give you mental blisters. And you really don’t have to climb the next peak, you can totally set up camp where you are, admire the view forever.

What if you play with choosing a different lens for a moment? How about possibility? Or adventure? What might be fun, wild, fulfilling about going further than you’ve ever been?

And what if you chose to travel with a trusted co-pilot by your side - someone who is committed to providing the best snacks, navigation tools and who now knows you well enough to guide you back to the path you say you want to take when it gets hard (and it will get hard).

 How much coaching will you need? It depends how you want to adventure. 


Five things I learned while transforming my life.


99 things to work on with a coach…